Ned Conner
2018-07-23 05:46:16 UTC
This approach to enabling/empowering democracy seems to me to be too
As opposed to what we have now, where not only does the executivebranch not know what we want, but*we* don't even know what we
(collectively) want and so there's no way to even judge the quality of
the management?
purely abstract list would not usefully reveal "what we want". There
would still be no valid way to judge the quality of the management. The
items of the list are too abstract, vague, and overlapped.
Whether responses to the list could be used for proxy matching purposes
is an empirical question. (Given that I myself would not be able to
respond to the list as directed because absolutely crucial information
is missing from the proposal, I doubt that it would be.)
Whether managers would find the information useful when creating new
policy proposals and budget items would depend on what the managers were
trying to accomplish. Again, given how abstract, vague, and overlapped
the items of the list are, the information would probably be mainly
useful as material to be used in political speechifying.
1. When a proposal is "purely abstract" (as all of the line-items are),
it is left to the executive to decide (undemocratically) what the
concrete manifestations of the abstractions will be.
Not exactly: Individual proposals still have to voted on by Theit is left to the executive to decide (undemocratically) what the
concrete manifestations of the abstractions will be.
People. Again, the main purposes of this list are to find proxy
matches and so that the managers can use this information when
creating new policy proposals and budget items.
behind the "public face" political elite (consisting of the Globality
Manager together with the Locality Managers) can effectively eliminate
The Proxies as one of its keys by presenting a steady stream (four per
week) of "harmless" proposals to The Proxies, thereby keeping them fully
occupied doing nothing.
"Harmless" in this context means "not interfering with the substantive
plots and plans and profits of the puppeteers".
The proposal at hand (having The Proxies respond to the list below) is a
great example of a harmless proposal. The original dozen proposals on provide other great examples of harmless proposals: deciding
whether to extend legal personhood to chimpanzees, deciding whether to
shut down SETI, deciding whether to mandate "Idaho Stop" ordinances
globally, etc. It only takes four harmless proposals per week to
entirely neutralize The Proxies as a political force in global governance.
(From the perspective of the power puppeteers, firing Managers is
another class of harmless proposals, since the puppeteers can easily
have full control of who gets into the replacement pools. It would work
just fine for the puppeteers for The Proxies to fire four Managers per
week, forever. That would use up all the democratic decisionmaking,
2. Those executives will be operating under to the Rules For Rulers
(beyond any concretely effective vote-driven democratic control).
It's a nice story, but unfortunately really only describes the most(beyond any concretely effective vote-driven democratic control).
simplistic and primitive form of power, kleptocracy, which is seen
only in the very poorest and least developed places like Venezuela and
North Korea, notably excluding Russia which is a special case because
of the unique one-time ability for Putin to distribute massive wealth
in state assets to his cronies (or people willing to become his
cronies). Far more powerful, and far more common, is rule based on
ideology which that video didn't address*at all*: Hitler, Stalin,
Mao, Castro, and even wannabe dictators like Trump and Erdogan didn't
rely primarily on any sort of monetary compensation for themselves or
their "keys" to achieve their goals, but gained and maintained power
by exploiting ideology in their "keys" and in The People (particularly
nationalism, but also including happy talk about
communism/fascism/some religion or other/etc.) The solution, of
course, is not to hope for benevolent dictators, but instead to
severely restrict the power of the executive branch, including having
a very simple way to remove them (such as when their popularity drops
below that of some obvious replacement candidate, as described in
Ideology does not pay the bills. You are being distracted by all of the
political speechifying.
None of the arrangements discussed on the Managers page, and none of the
arrangements discussed on The System page, do anything to significantly
restrict the power of the executive branch. Individual Managers will
come and go, but the power of the executive branch is entirely
unrestrained. You are conflating "the executive branch" with "the Manager".
Please share your perception of how their current government manages
the resources (time, money, attention) it expends on these items, on a
scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being "Way too little", through "About right",
Immigrants and refugees
Children's health and welfare
Minimizing degree of economic inequality
Crime and loss prevention (via police and criminal courts)
National security/defense
Acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of parks and open space
Economic incentives and protections for corporations
Infrastructure development/maintenance (transportation, utilities, etc.)
Scientific and technological research
Minimizing government spending and deficits/debt/taxes
Trade policy and protecting local jobs
An independent press/media
Protecting the environment
Economic protection for individuals (via regulation, and civil courts)
Increasing general happiness and decreasing level of stress or fear
Regulation of businesses
Enforcing moral codes (e.g. against drug use)
Supporting churches and organized religion
Improving health care access, quality, and efficiency
Maximizing individual economic efficiency (tax rates, commute times, etc.)
Disaster recovery, loss prevention, and infrastructure resilience
Mental illness and addiction treatment
Maximizing the median standard of living
Preservation of other cultures and traditions
Increasing overall economic efficiency or GDP
Improving individual health, safety, and/or lifespan
Age and benefit level for retirement
Managing per capita resource consumption (energy, land, minerals, etc.)
Ensuring a minimum standard of living (housing and wage supplements, etc.)
Diplomacy and international aid
Compensating for individuals with disabilities
the resources (time, money, attention) it expends on these items, on a
scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being "Way too little", through "About right",
Immigrants and refugees
Children's health and welfare
Minimizing degree of economic inequality
Crime and loss prevention (via police and criminal courts)
National security/defense
Acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of parks and open space
Economic incentives and protections for corporations
Infrastructure development/maintenance (transportation, utilities, etc.)
Scientific and technological research
Minimizing government spending and deficits/debt/taxes
Trade policy and protecting local jobs
An independent press/media
Protecting the environment
Economic protection for individuals (via regulation, and civil courts)
Increasing general happiness and decreasing level of stress or fear
Regulation of businesses
Enforcing moral codes (e.g. against drug use)
Supporting churches and organized religion
Improving health care access, quality, and efficiency
Maximizing individual economic efficiency (tax rates, commute times, etc.)
Disaster recovery, loss prevention, and infrastructure resilience
Mental illness and addiction treatment
Maximizing the median standard of living
Preservation of other cultures and traditions
Increasing overall economic efficiency or GDP
Improving individual health, safety, and/or lifespan
Age and benefit level for retirement
Managing per capita resource consumption (energy, land, minerals, etc.)
Ensuring a minimum standard of living (housing and wage supplements, etc.)
Diplomacy and international aid
Compensating for individuals with disabilities