Scott Raney
2018-07-21 13:14:25 UTC
Been busy restructuring the Matchism Manifesto ( to
reflect what I've figured out from trying to implement the
decisionmaking system ( The biggest change is a shift
away from having a "Goals" section to something more general that can
be used both for the proxy matching system and for the proposal
writers to gain some insight as to what The People consider to be the
domains that need more work, and in which direction. I'm calling it an
assessment of The Will Of The People. I used to call it "ideology"
until I realized that what we need is a more general concept than
that. I'm also starting to realize that there is considerable overlap
between this and the budgeting process, but haven't yet figured out
how to (or even whether to try to) combine these things.
Here's the list so far. Have I left anything important out?
Please share your perception of how their current government manages
the resources (time, money, attention) it expends on these items, on a
scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being "Way too little", through "About right",
to 7 being "Way too much":
Immigrants and refugees
Children's health and welfare
Minimizing degree of economic inequality
Crime and loss prevention (via police and criminal courts)
National security/defense
Acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of parks and open space
Economic incentives and protections for corporations
Infrastructure development/maintenance (transportation, utilities, etc.)
Scientific and technological research
Minimizing government spending and deficits/debt/taxes
Trade policy and protecting local jobs
An independent press/media
Protecting the environment
Economic protection for individuals (via regulation, and civil courts)
Increasing general happiness and decreasing level of stress or fear
Regulation of businesses
Enforcing moral codes (e.g. against drug use)
Supporting churches and organized religion
Improving health care access, quality, and efficiency
Maximizing individual economic efficiency (tax rates, commute times, etc.)
Disaster recovery, loss prevention, and infrastructure resilience
Mental illness and addiction treatment
Maximizing the median standard of living
Preservation of other cultures and traditions
Increasing overall economic efficiency or GDP
Improving individual health, safety, and/or lifespan
Age and benefit level for retirement
Managing per capita resource consumption (energy, land, minerals, etc.)
Ensuring a minimum standard of living (housing and wage supplements, etc.)
Diplomacy and international aid
Compensating for individuals with disabilities
reflect what I've figured out from trying to implement the
decisionmaking system ( The biggest change is a shift
away from having a "Goals" section to something more general that can
be used both for the proxy matching system and for the proposal
writers to gain some insight as to what The People consider to be the
domains that need more work, and in which direction. I'm calling it an
assessment of The Will Of The People. I used to call it "ideology"
until I realized that what we need is a more general concept than
that. I'm also starting to realize that there is considerable overlap
between this and the budgeting process, but haven't yet figured out
how to (or even whether to try to) combine these things.
Here's the list so far. Have I left anything important out?
Please share your perception of how their current government manages
the resources (time, money, attention) it expends on these items, on a
scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being "Way too little", through "About right",
to 7 being "Way too much":
Immigrants and refugees
Children's health and welfare
Minimizing degree of economic inequality
Crime and loss prevention (via police and criminal courts)
National security/defense
Acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of parks and open space
Economic incentives and protections for corporations
Infrastructure development/maintenance (transportation, utilities, etc.)
Scientific and technological research
Minimizing government spending and deficits/debt/taxes
Trade policy and protecting local jobs
An independent press/media
Protecting the environment
Economic protection for individuals (via regulation, and civil courts)
Increasing general happiness and decreasing level of stress or fear
Regulation of businesses
Enforcing moral codes (e.g. against drug use)
Supporting churches and organized religion
Improving health care access, quality, and efficiency
Maximizing individual economic efficiency (tax rates, commute times, etc.)
Disaster recovery, loss prevention, and infrastructure resilience
Mental illness and addiction treatment
Maximizing the median standard of living
Preservation of other cultures and traditions
Increasing overall economic efficiency or GDP
Improving individual health, safety, and/or lifespan
Age and benefit level for retirement
Managing per capita resource consumption (energy, land, minerals, etc.)
Ensuring a minimum standard of living (housing and wage supplements, etc.)
Diplomacy and international aid
Compensating for individuals with disabilities