On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Michal Štěpánek
Post by Michal Å tÄpánekThe Waning of Humaneness by Konrad Lorenz. Some interesting "clinations" are
listed in chapter 8.
Finally got around to reading it, and his "Civilized Man's Eight
Deadly Sins". They're from the 70s and 80s and so you can buy them
used from Amazon for about $4 (in the US anyway). I agree that it is
worth reading, although I found both of those to be a lot more
inconsistent than the other works on ethology and evolutionary
psychology I've read (his consist of a few flashes of brilliance
surrounded by a lot of stuff that's either dull, unintelligible, or
just plain weird).
Post by Michal Å tÄpánekBook is short and worth reading.
The part that relates to Clinations is really just *too* short: What
he's got overlaps with my stab at it pretty well, but he leaves out
some of the most important of these built-in "rules" and doesn't even
address the issue of how these rules must be accounted for in any
social-engineering project (e.g., like trying to create a new form of
government or economics or religion): Unfortunately just recognizing
the problem is the easy part...
If you want to read more of this kind of stuff, I recommend the Helian
Unbound blog (e.g., put "Lorenz" in the search box):
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