[MG] Direct Parliamentarianism
Scott Raney
2018-03-20 18:10:48 UTC
Found this link on the DemocracyEarth Github project:

It describes the operation of Rousseau by the Italian Five Star
Movement. Looks to me like despite managing to achieve significant
market penetration (140K+ users) participation rates are so low (on
the order 10-15%) that IMHO it is essentially useless as a means of
assessing The Will of The People. There are many other useful
criticisms of the tool in that paper, but I believe it misses what is
probably the most important one which I also consider to be the single
largest flaw in LQFB: It really only works on proposals generated from
within the party, not on proposals the party's elected representatives
must vote on that were introduced by members of other parties. This
IMHO is just one more nail in the coffin of the "work within the
system" philosophy.
