[MG] Metagovernment list has collapsed..
Scott Raney
2017-06-19 15:35:37 UTC
I've added MG list to this post.
Metagovernment has peaks and valleys very variable participation, not
believe depends on a failure, but the presence or absence of valid content
to talk about.
Agreed, but then this is sort of Teo's point: No talk means no work is
being done ;-)
Metagovernment have higly variable ups and down of participation, I do not
believe it depends from a failure, but by the presence of valid subject
Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I see signs that what's really
happened here is burnout: People on this list have just given up. And
not just here, but the Pirate Party (liquid democracy, etc.) lists,
the Reddit groups on DD, and many of the other DD sites I'd bookmarked
in the past are either gone or even less active than this list. Pol.is
and Loomio both survive on niches (Taiwan for Pol.is, and Spain for
Loomio) where the old governments are using them for opinion finding
(albeit not for actual decisionmaking). How do I know this? Surveying
the "competition" is part of the marketing plan for proxyfor.me, and
that's what I'm primarily working on now (when RL doesn't keep me away
from it).

But you don't have to worry about proxyfor.me going away: It's
actually costing me $0 the next 9 months (AWS free tier) and the costs
will be nominal after that. I've got a long to-do list and
historically (based on how long it took me to burn out on MetaCard and
academics (i.e., getting a PhD)) I've still got a good 7 or 8 years to
go on this project. I mostly remain inspired because I have yet to
hear a coherent argument about why DeMP (Democracy by Matched Proxy)
and the current instantiation of it in https://www.proxyfor.me/ won't
work. Which means unlike all those other systems which IMHO have
fundamental design flaws, what I've got at this point is mostly just a
marketing problem. Granted it's probably worse than the marketing
problem Pol.is and Loomio and represent.me have: Unlike them
proxyfor.me is designed to *replace* existing governments rather than
being satisfied to be just a minor extension helping to prop them
A Teo and other interested parties to democratic self-determination must point
What is that site?
Scott Raney
2017-11-06 14:38:17 UTC
I predict that noone will use the software that Scott is trying to create.
It is already a dead software
Scott will not listen, and his software will die
Actually, it's still running (https://www.proxyfor.me/). I've even
updated it a few times, but only bug fixes as I've been swamped with
work in the real world and so haven't had time to do any feature
upgrades (and I've got a whole list of them, starting with upgrading
to Angular 4 which will enable many of the others).

I also was able to leverage it to submit what I think was a very
credible entry to the Global Challenges competition, even though it
explicitly didn't comply with many of the rules (my claim was that any
entry that did would by design fail to achieve anything, let alone the
kind of change that they were trying to facilitate). As part of that I
also experienced a bit of a shift in my general philosophy about the
local/global balance of power: I'm coming around to a more localist
perspective, albeit with a few explicit tweaks to prevent antisocial
behavior at the locality level. Haven't had time to update the
matchism.org site with this, though, either.
We need some thing simple that all people can use
But people prefer to feed their egos instead of building something useful
IMHO you've misdiagnosed the problem. Egos *are* a major problem with
our existing misrepresentative governments, but these projects I think
suffer mainly from lack of resources and to a lesser extent with lack
of understanding (or perhaps vision) about what we really need to
solve our problems with previous versions of democracy. Case in point
is the Democracy Earth project, which I've been playing gadfly to
recently. Here's a link to the paper (read the PDF), then click on the
"Issues" tab and read the critiques and comments about them:
